Welcome to my very own EXTREME deck shop . Here you will be able to purchase some of my very own personal builds of decks that I run. Prices will vary depending on how much I think they're worth.
* Please do not give the decklist away.
* Screen Shots mostly used, unless it's a deck I run on DevPro that has cards that aren't on Dueling Network yet, in which case I'll type the decklist.
Alchemic Rabbit: AYZ Summon Alchemic Magician with cards like Rescue Rabbit and Summoner Monk, then control the pace of the game with Alchemic Magician's effect to set Spells(Quick Plays) and the Secret Village of the Spellcasters and Royal Decree lock. - 150 DT
Garlandolf, King of Destruction: Ritual Summon the almighty Garlandolf and lay waste to your opponents field of monsters and their Life Points! - 150 DT
Junk Barrage OTK - Equip Junk Barrage to your opponent's monster and kamikaze with an endless army of floaters for trolling fun. - 150 DT
Morphtronic Quasar Synchro - Self-explanatory, this deck makes Shooting Quasar Dragon a lot. Don't blame me for Morphtonic Celfon mishaps though lol. - 200 DT
Solar Heroes - A hybrid of Lightsworn and Elemental Heroes. Miracle Fusion is pretty nuts in here. - 200 DT
Madolches - MY MAIN DECK, updated as of Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy. Madolche Hootcake adds more speed and combos to an already great deck. M-X-Saber Invoker/ Leviair the Sea Dragon + Madolche Queen Tiaramisu is common here
- 300 DT
Deck Fixes - 50 DT