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 New charecter creation

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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 10:40 pm

Welcome again to charecter creation, here you will make your own unique charecter. I have taken out being a teacher because some people dont deserve the option of being an adult since they dont act like it. From now on I will be asisgning your deck and dorm. I will asign your dorm when your charecter comes to the acadmey in a duel. I will asign yor deck based on your charecters personality. Everything else is up to you.

General Personality:
Age: (14-18 thats it)
Favorite Food:
Relation to existing characters:
Style preferences:
Family Members:
Friends and Enemies:
Deck Style: (put in what deck you feel is like your charecter and i will consider it when asign the deck)
Duel Disk Style:
Kind of People Character Despises(E.G. happy people to lazy people):
Ego Size out of 10:
where are they from:
Anything Else Notable:
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey:
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:08 pm

Name: Lucifer de Blois
General Personality: Mean, Cold heated, Cruel, Emotionless
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Favorite Food: A bloody steak
Backstory: Was raised in a low class family. His family was always quarelling. His mother killed his father after he repeatedly beat her day after day and then killed herself. I was blamed as the killer and forced into a pitch black prison from the age of 6 to the age of 17. I lived in the darkness for years wishing for a glimmer of light and in the darkness I found it. A small box containing the power I had always wished for. A slick black circle and a deck inside it. When I was released from prison I couldn't make out light only darkness I looked down at the object attached to my hand, it was a duel disk with a deck filled with cards that were not from this world. The cursed cards had taken the place of my once shining constellar cards I held so dear. I only found hate left inside me. I quickly started using this evil power of mine to obliterate any enemies in my path to fulifll my evil, slowly becoming a world renown duelist. It was then that I received a letter asking me to join an academy on a full scholarship. I found this as the first step to create an army of darkness convincing others of the dread they would face in their future. My job right now is to do a coup d'etat with my new friend I make in my dorm. This world renown acadamey under our control filled with wealthy scholars being held hostage is the first step towards world domination. As an advocate of evil this is my plan.
Relation to existing characters: None
Motivations/goals: Take over the world and spread darkness
Style preferences: Aggressive, controlling
Family Members: None
Friends and Enemies: None
Deck Style: Dark Evil deck
Duel Disk Style: Black, glowing red hovering orb (eliminates all light that comes near)
Kind of People Character Despises: Any happiness
Ego Size out of 10: 10
Catchphrases: "A gray wolf like me shouldn't sully their paws on you"
where are they from: The kingdom of Sauville
Anything Else Notable: Thought to be a murderer and has been to hell due to it. Now is a wealthy man who is looked down upon and plans to use his wealth to fix this world he finds broken.
Reason why they were invited to attend or teach at the academey: World renown duelist
other: Tends to convince others easily by bringing despair to their lives. I murdered my best friend after getting out of jail due to him trying to bring joy to my life.

Last edited by llllllllllllll on Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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! ! ! ! Suzaku
! ! ! ! Suzaku

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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:13 pm

Name: Grant “Suzaku” Foster
General Personality: badass
Age: (if a student 14-18) If teacher (25-75) 17
Gender: Male
Favorite Food: cheesecake
Backstory: One summer day, while bowling, Suzaku and his family were attacked by wolves. Suzaku’s family was gruesomely ate by the wolves but he managed to escape by running. (He never talked about it again) Now, Suzaku has joined the academy and has teamed up with his super best friend Gadzio to find out who sent the wolves on his parentsQ!QQQQW!@@@!!
Relation to existing characters: Super best friends with Gadzio and in love with Mona V
Motivations/goals: To find who sent the wolves that killed his family
Style preferences: Hard and fast
Family Members: KILLED BY WOLVES!
Friends and Enemies: Super best friends with Gadzio and in love with Mona V
Deck Style: extremely offensive
Duel Disk Style: none
Kind of People Character Despises(E.G. happy people to lazy people): Love’s everyone
Ego Size out of 10: 015
Catchphrases: I'm gonna get it! You're going to learn today! Finishing move!
where are they from: America
Reason why they were invited to attend or teach at the academey: The headmaster was sympathetic with Suzaku because his family was killed by wolfes

Last edited by ! ! ! ! Suzaku on Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:18 pm

barcoede aproved your deck is steelswarm
suzaku dont take things from my charecters bio make a serious charecter, until then not aproved
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Rebecca Hawkins
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:22 pm

name asuka
gender girl
age 15
personality cocky
favorite food tea

backstory from a rich family and has a privliged life. she takes enemies of the family as her servants when she defeats them . she has a guard with her at all times but was fired for sleeping on the job . she is called the evil queen. the academy recruited her because her family bought her in to the academy.
relations none
goal to expand her rich family
style elegant mature
family members all at the main hose
friend none
deck hopefully an allure queen deck
duel disk style glows and has many jewels
people my character hate people that think highly of their selves
ego size 10
catch pharases i am the queen for a reason
anything notable no
reason to expand family
why they were recruited family paid money to get her in
other nothing not really no

Last edited by Rebecca Hawkins on Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Darkness Shredder
Darkness Shredder

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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:22 pm

Name:Kevin Castro
General Personality:serious , silent , smart and loyal
Age: 15
Favorite Food: Chocolate :Q
Backstory:one day he went with his father to a game store and show him a card game named yu-gi-oh and teach him how to play it with his deck he told him it was a very old game and he would teach him more about it the other day then when they where going to the car someone shoot him and stole his money and kevin didnt know where to go cuz his dad was the only one in his family alive now kevin is alone in a new house and lives with the money his dad had in the bank and now he know all about yu-gi-oh
Relation to existing characters:
Motivations/goals:Be the best duelist to make his father proud
Style preferences:
Family Members:None
Friends and Enemies:
Deck Style:Arcana force
Duel Disk Style:Old yugioh duel disk
Kind of People Character Despises:all the people who try to stand against him and his friends
Ego Size out of 10: 4
Catchphrases:''We will see your destiny in this duel''
where are they from:Colombia
Anything Else Notable:very quiet guy and when he duel with his dad deck (arcana force) he have two voices but that only happen when he is in a life duel or a really hard duel
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey:he just go there once and say if he can attend to that academy

Last edited by Darkness Shredder on Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:04 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:25 pm

rebecca there is no longe an option for a teacher and the age limit is 18 plz change as for the guard i dont think so. Unless he gets killed or somthing
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:28 pm

aproved shredder your deck is aracana force
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:30 pm

aproved suzaku your deck is flamvel
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:31 pm

aproved rebecca you may have the allure queen deck but no gaurd
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! ! Weevil Underwood
! ! Weevil Underwood

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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:42 pm

Name: Myson Shane
General Personality: Very excitable and strangely amused
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Favorite Food: Raw seaweed
Backstory: His father fell into the ocean while they were fishing together (imanust was about 6) Imanust got seperated from his best friend Dick (He's a whale) while he was 17. A ship crashed into the both of them.
Relation to existing characters: None
Motivations/goals: None
Style preferences: Blue
Family Members: Dead dad, mother drowned shortly after giving birth to him.
Friends and Enemies: His best friend was once a whale named Dick, Dick was his best friend but imanust got seperated from him.
Deck Style: (put in what deck you feel is like your charecter and i will consider it when asign the deck)
Duel Disk Style: Eyes glow blue and he makes a flowing ring of water around him like this
He just keeps his cards on that ring.
Kind of People Character Despises: He's clueless of the real world
Ego Size out of 10: Doesn't know what an ego is.
Catchphrases: Because the Ocean.
where are they from: The Ocean
Anything Else Notable: when he gets prepared to duel his eyes start glowing blue and he gets very serious.
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey: He ended up there from the ship.
other: He spent his life on the ocean, easily amazed and such. Believes "Myson Shane" is his real name because his father kept referring to him as "My son shane" doesn't know it's not his full name.
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:49 pm

aproved weevil your deck is a water penguin deck, that i must see before you use it.
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Bacon Saver
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 20, 2013 11:59 pm

Name: Satori Komeiji
General Personality: Calm
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Favorite Food: Oranges
Backstory: At some point in the past she started living in the Palace of the Earth Spirits, right above the Hell of Blazing Fires. However, her ability caused her to be shunned by other people. Over time, the only other residents in the Palace were her pets, who welcomed Satori's ability. Due to the difficulties in managing the Hell of Blazing Fires, she started letting the pets do some of the work
Relation to existing characters: no
Motivations/goals: Nothing e_e
Style preferences: control
Family Members: Koishi Komeiji (Sister)
Enemies: Lucifer de Blois Deck Style: Psychic
Duel Disk Style: Purple? (Idgaf to be honest e_e)
Kind of People Character Despises: Extremely Hyper People (example, jaden in season 1 p_p)
Ego Size out of 10: 4
Catchphrases: "Good Night"
where are they from: Japan, Palace of the Earth.
Anything Else Notable: Has short, purple hair with a black hairband and purple eyes, Wears a blue shirt with yellow heart buttons and pink collar, a pink skirt with faint flowery pattern and pink slippers.
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey: Knows the Headmaster Personally.
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 12:05 am

aproved i guess sat your deck is gusto.
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The Chazz
The Chazz

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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 12:08 am

Name: Chazz
General Personality: Cocky, arrogant, over confident. Caring (hardly ever)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Favorite Food: Pizza.
Backstory: His little sister had gotten a really bad illness that has yet to be identified. He is training to become a dueling pro to enter tournaments to win money for his sister and entered duel academy to become a better duelist.
Relation to existing characters: None. As of now.
Motivations/goals: To become best duelist in Academy and win professional tournaments for prize money to spend on his sister to try and get her to be better.
Style preferences:
Family Members: A father and a younger sister who is sick and a older brother who is a dueling professional but can never win a tournament.
Friends and Enemies: No one as of yet.
Deck Style: Beast or Machines ( hinting ojamas or morphtronics :3)
Duel Disk Style: 5D's Duel disk
Kind of People Character Despises(E.G. happy people to lazy people): People who think they're better than him. People who are too happy.
Ego Size out of 10: 9.5
Catchphrases: Chazz it up
where are they from: America.
Anything Else Notable: May show that he thinks he's better and doesn't care about anything, deep down inside he does.
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey: Sent in a form to be approved.
other: Nah.
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 12:17 am

aproved your deck is phantom beast craft
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PostSubject: Re: New character creaton   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 1:17 am

Name: Charlotte D. Moon
General Personality: Def, happy, loves dogs, smart
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Favorite Food: Cherries
Backstory: Born def Charlotte never had many friends she always loved the night, cause it was the only time she could be alone and do anything she wanted but one day at school she suddenly heard a pen drop nad when it hit the ground it made a color as it fell a light blue color she heard the sound thats what shocked her but then she started to see colors of anything that happens,later that night she want to the street and she saw a street performer playing a chello she tried to play that chello and when she did she heard very beautiful colors the sound makes it was so many colors during that same day something happened she suddenly got a leter in the male to attend duel academy she was so happy she packed right away!!
Relation to existing characters: none
Motivations/goals: to understand this gift she has
Style preferences: Likes pink and purple
Family Members: Dad, Mother, and her 2 brothers
Friends and Enemies: none
Deck Style: Fortune Ladies
Duel Disk Style: Fan like duel disk thats pink and purple
Kind of People Character Despises(E.G. happy people to lazy people): people that are mean, pervets, jerks, and just plaine assholes
Ego Size out of 10: 6
Catchphrase: "I see the color of the cards you play, but looks like it will all soon fade to black!"
where are they from: Orginaly from England
Anything Else Notable: her eyes turn purple and pink when she sees colors
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey: Friend of the professor
other: nothing

Last edited by !Bayonetta! on Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 21, 2013 3:23 pm

Name: Gadzio Ignotum
General Personality: kind, quiet, but something about him just seems unsettling.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Favorite Food: Pizza
Backstory: By all accounts, Gadzio probably should not be in this school, let alone a Ra rank. Very few people from his hometown even remember having seen him duel, and the ones who do distinctly remember beating him with ease. Yet when I scout for the duel academy come to the town and was defeated, rather handily by Gadzio, he was invited to join the academy. In truth, Gadzio is extremely calculating, and not only understands, but is completely willing to take a loss, and or step on someone who trusts him to further his goals. Dispite any first impressions Gadzio leaves on a person, they should take the fact that he is not to be trusted to heart.
Lv of Duelist: Ra
Relation to existing characters: none
Motivations/goals: It looks as though he is just along for the ride, but that seems to simple doesn’t it?
Style preferences:
Family Members: Father and Mother, but they are of no interest.
Friends and Enemies: Gadzio has been seen associating with Suzaku, which is very odd because they are nothing alike. It wouldn’t be surprising if, despite his polite words, Gadzio shows at least a little disdain for Suzaku.
Deck Style: *Crosses fingers* My signature Hundred-eyes Dragon deck.
Duel Disk Style: Old, basically a relic of the 5d’s era.
Kind of People Character Despises: Hard to say, he’s just too polite.
Ego Size out of 10: 3 (10)
Catchphrases: “All Eyes are on you." "Sacrifices must be made." and "A minor setback".
Where are they from: Poland
Anything Else Notable: He is pretty unnerving.
Reason why they were invited to attend or teach at the academy: Beat a scout.
Anything Else Notable: He looks like Adachi See
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2013 2:13 am


Name: Taikuri Giita
General Personality: Taikuri is a laid back fella. He rarely uses his best card and hates using big-time extra deck. He also hates dueling. He is pretty lazy and never pushes effort into things. He is a pretty kind dude and when his friends get hurt and he steps in he goes all out.

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Favorite Food: He eats rice mainly, but eats other things too. Mainly Italian foods.
Backstory: He was raised by his rich family, his mother very caring and his dad a brute. Business wise. At the age of 4 he began homeschooling, and finished regular schooling at the age of 15. One year later his parents told him study the Yu-Gi-Oh ways, considering he was to inherit his father's company, which printed cards. One month before he came to the academy his father and mother went missing. Until he returns his grandfather has come out of retirement to run the company.

Relation to existing characters: None -Yet-
Motivations/goals: He doesn't have many but to just settle down and stuff.
Style preferences:
Family Members: His parents are missing, but he has two older sisters. One works with pegasus and the other run a duel gang back home. Grandfather that runs teh company.
Friends and Enemies: He hasn't made any friends or enemies yet
Deck Style: He just uses what he can get ahold of. With his father owning a card factory he just gets the leftovers.
Duel Disk Style: Regular
Kind of People Character Despises(E.G. happy people to lazy people): SUPER LAZY!
Catchphrases: "Do I have to?"
where are they from: Born in Japan, his family moved to England and that's where he was raised and lived out his childhood.
Anything Else Notable: Naturally he tries to talk his way out of a duel, being a peace-loving character he only thinks yu-gi-oh should be used as a game....nothing more.
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey: He has no reason besides he got bored...

Last edited by Great-Key-Overlord on Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2013 10:34 am

all aproved gadizo you can have your hundred eyes whatever deck and Keyy your deck will be ice counter deck.
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2013 11:49 am

Sounds interesting, but I have no clue what that is ._.
Ty though.
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Misty Valentine
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2013 6:35 pm

google ice counter deck or type in ice counter on dn
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 22, 2013 7:44 pm

I thought you meant snow-themed counter deck

I know what they are XD did try to make one once, long time ago....ty for the challenge ;3
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! ! Leo ! !
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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeThu Jan 24, 2013 8:56 pm

name: yuki toriyoma
general personalilty: serious, doesnt take kindly to people who talk to him,but kind at heart.
age: 15
gender: male
favorite food: home made ramen.
backstory: family lives in a church in europe(used to live in japan before his house was destroyed). the priests in the chruch teached him how to duel. with the sacred deck of the darklords. he wanted more than living in that church. so with the funding the priests helped him to get into duel academy.
motivations/goals: to make enough money by becoming a pro duelist to help the church.
style perferences: wears a black coat and a blue scarf.
family members: only has a little brother, rest of them are his priests who raised him as their son.
friends and foes: none as of yet.
deck style: dark lords!~
duel disk style: uses a retro duel disk but with bands of black and blue on the sides.
kind of peopke character despises: arrogant people/annoying people who dont shut up.
ego size:3
catchphrases: feel the power of the darkness....
where are they from: europe/japan
Anything Else Notable:he has a weakness towards cute things.
reason why they were invited to attend the academy: he beat the league champ in europe
other:none at all

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! ! Weevil Underwood
! ! Weevil Underwood

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PostSubject: Re: New charecter creation   New charecter creation I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 25, 2013 12:11 am

Name: Jim Crow
General Personality: Sneaky, cunning, sly, lucky VERY lucky
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Favorite Food: fried chicken
Backstory: Champion duelist
Relation to existing characters: None
Motivations/goals: Support his family
Style preferences: Black and brown with illuminati markings
Family Members: His children and wife who need the support
Friends and Enemies: Criminal
Duel Disk Style: Very sharp black, brown and silver with an eye of wdjat.
Kind of People Character Despises: Rich and snobby
Ego Size out of 10: 10
Catchphrases: If the government can't stop what makes you think you stand a chane (shit like that)
where are they from: Egypt
Anything Else Notable: Wheres a fedora and worn out/raggedy suits (Very very dirty and worn out classy clothing, Fedora looks perfectly clean though)
Reason why they were invited to attend the academey: Amazing duelist, needed a place to hide
other: Criminal, no one knows much

Last edited by ! ! Weevil Underwood on Fri Jan 25, 2013 1:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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